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Strong Storm Expected To Create Intense Light Show

Aurora Borealis Display Forecast for North America

Strong Storm Expected to Create Intense Light Show

Tonight and Tomorrow Night Offer Peak Viewing Opportunities

WEB Fri March 24th 2023 at 126 PM Updated Fri March 24th 2023 at 557 PM. WEB This is a prediction of the intensity and location of the aurora borealis tonight and tomorrow night over North America.

According to, a strong geomagnetic storm is expected to reach Earth tonight, bringing with it the potential for a dazzling display of the aurora borealis. The storm is expected to reach its peak between midnight and 2 a.m. Eastern time, with prime viewing opportunities expected in the northern United States and Canada.

The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, is a natural light display that occurs when charged particles from the sun interact with the Earth's magnetic field. These particles are guided along the magnetic field lines towards the Earth's poles, where they collide with atoms and molecules in the atmosphere, creating a vibrant light show.


